
Image masstertm wipe pro
Image masstertm wipe pro

So all you need to make wiping varnish are these two ingredients. As I mentioned, a wiping varnish is simply varnish and mineral spirits mixed in the desired proportions. No, I don’t have a chemistry lab in my basement. But I prefer to use a wiping varnish that you won’t find pre-packaged on the shelf at the hardware store or home center. There are a number of brand-name wiping varnishes on the market. In my mind, a wiping varnish offers the best of all worlds. Plus, the warm color and soft sheen of the thin film is very appealing. It’s almost as easy to work with as an oil finish and just about as durable as a built-up varnish. The resulting runny mixture can be applied with nothing more than a clean rag.

image masstertm wipe pro image masstertm wipe pro

However, if you’re looking for a finish that wraps all three of these desirable features into one package, wiping varnish should be your choice.Ī wiping varnish is nothing more than a varnish that’s been diluted with mineral spirits.

image masstertm wipe pro

Oil finishes are very easy to apply, polyurethane varnish is extremely durable, and the soft sheen of a thin shellac film is hard to beat. The range of finishes available to woodworkers offers a variety of positive attributes. The secret to shop-made wiping varnish is a very simple recipe and an easy-to-master application technique that adds up to the best finish you can’t buy.

Image masstertm wipe pro